interface Injective : (a -> b) -> Type
An injective function maps distinct elements to distinct elements.
injective : f x = f y -> x = y
injective : Injective f => f x = f y -> x = y
inj : (0 f : (a -> b)) -> {auto 0 _ : Injective f} -> (0 _ : f x = f y) -> x = y
interface Biinjective : (a -> b -> c) -> Type
An bi-injective function maps distinct elements to distinct elements in both arguments.
This is more strict than injectivity on each of arguments.
For instance, list appending is injective on both arguments but is not biinjective.
biinjective : f x v = f y w -> (x = y, v = w)
Biinjective (:::)
Biinjective Both
Biinjective (::)
Biinjective (::)
Biinjective MkPair
Biinjective (:<)
biinjective : Biinjective f => f x v = f y w -> (x = y, v = w)
biinj : (0 f : ({type_of_y:1507} -> {type_of_w:1506} -> {a:1508})) -> {auto 0 _ : Biinjective f} -> (0 _ : f x v = f y w) -> (x = y, v = w)