data Colist1 : Type -> Type
A possibly finite, non-empty Stream.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Constructor: (:::) : a -> Colist a -> Colist1 a
Applicative Colist1
Functor Colist1
Semigroup (Colist1 a)
Zippable Colist1
fromList1 : List1 a -> Colist1 a
Convert a `List1` to a `Colist1`.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportfromStream : Stream a -> Colist1 a
Convert a stream to a `Colist1`.
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Visibility: public exportfromColist : Colist a -> Maybe (Colist1 a)
Try to convert a `Colist` to a `Colist1`. Returns `Nothing` if
the given `Colist` is empty.
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Visibility: public exportfromList : List a -> Maybe (Colist1 a)
Try to convert a list to a `Colist1`. Returns `Nothing` if
the given list is empty.
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Visibility: public exportsingleton : a -> Colist1 a
Create a `Colist1` of only a single element.
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Visibility: public exportrepeat : a -> Colist1 a
An infinite `Colist1` of repetitions of the same element.
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Visibility: public exportreplicate : (n : Nat) -> {auto 0 _ : IsSucc n} -> a -> Colist1 a
Create a `Colist1` of `n` replications of the given element.
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Visibility: public exportcycle : List1 a -> Colist1 a
Produce a `Colist1` by repeating a sequence
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Visibility: public exportiterate : (a -> a) -> a -> Colist1 a
Generate an infinite `Colist1` by repeatedly applying a function.
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Visibility: public exportiterateMaybe : (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Colist1 a
Generate a `Colist1` by repeatedly applying a function.
This stops once the function returns `Nothing`.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportunfold : (s -> Maybe (s, a)) -> s -> a -> Colist1 a
Generate a `Colist1` by repeatedly applying a function
to a seed value.
This stops once the function returns `Nothing`.
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Visibility: public exportforget : Colist1 a -> Colist a
Convert a `Colist1` to a `Colist`
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Visibility: public exportforgetInf : Inf (Colist1 a) -> Inf (Colist a)
Convert an `Inf (Colist1 a)` to an `Inf (Colist a)`
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Visibility: public exportcons : a -> Colist1 a -> Colist1 a
Prepends an element to a `Colist1`.
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Visibility: public exportappend : Colist1 a -> Colist1 a -> Colist1 a
Concatenate two `Colist1`s
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Visibility: public exportlappend : List a -> Colist1 a -> Colist1 a
Append a `Colist1` to a `List`.
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Visibility: public exportappendl : Colist1 a -> List a -> Colist1 a
Append a `List` to a `Colist1`.
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Visibility: public exportuncons : Colist1 a -> (a, Colist a)
Take a `Colist1` apart
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Visibility: public exporthead : Colist1 a -> a
Extract the first element from a `Colist1`
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Visibility: public exporttail : Colist1 a -> Colist a
Drop the first element from a `Colist1`
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Visibility: public exporttake : (n : Nat) -> {auto 0 _ : IsSucc n} -> Colist1 a -> List1 a
Take up to `n` elements from a `Colist1`
Totality: total
Visibility: public exporttakeUntil : (a -> Bool) -> Colist1 a -> Colist1 a
Take elements from a `Colist1` up to and including the
first element, for which `p` returns `True`.
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Visibility: public exporttakeBefore : (a -> Bool) -> Colist1 a -> Colist a
Take elements from a `Colist1` up to (but not including) the
first element, for which `p` returns `True`.
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Visibility: public exporttakeWhile : (a -> Bool) -> Colist1 a -> Colist a
Take elements from a `Colist1` while the given predicate `p`
returns `True`.
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Visibility: public exporttakeWhileJust : Colist1 (Maybe a) -> Colist a
Extract all values wrapped in `Just` from the beginning
of a `Colist1`. This stops, once the first `Nothing` is encountered.
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Visibility: public exportdrop : Nat -> Colist1 a -> Colist a
Drop up to `n` elements from the beginning of the `Colist1`.
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Visibility: public exportindex : Nat -> Colist1 a -> Maybe a
Try to extract the `n`-th element from a `Colist1`.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportscanl : (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Colist1 b -> Colist1 a
Produce a `Colist1` of left folds of prefixes of the given `Colist1`.
@ f the combining function
@ acc the initial value
@ xs the `Colist1` to process
Totality: total
Visibility: exportZippableColist1 : Zippable Colist1
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export zig : List1 (Colist1 a) -> Colist (Colist1 a) -> Colist a
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export zag : List1 a -> List (Colist1 a) -> Colist (Colist1 a) -> Colist a
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export cantor : Colist1 (Colist1 a) -> Colist1 a
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export cantor : List (Colist a) -> Colist a
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export planeWith : {0 p : a -> Type} -> ((x : a) -> p x -> c) -> Colist1 a -> ((x : a) -> Colist1 (p x)) -> Colist1 c
Explore the plane corresponding to all possible pairings
using Cantor's zig zag traversal
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Visibility: public exportplane : {0 p : a -> Type} -> Colist1 a -> ((x : a) -> Colist1 (p x)) -> Colist1 (x : a ** p x)
Explore the plane corresponding to all possible pairings
using Cantor's zig zag traversal
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportplaneWith : (a -> b -> c) -> Colist1 a -> (a -> Colist1 b) -> Colist1 c
Explore the plane corresponding to all possible pairings
using Cantor's zig zag traversal
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportplane : Colist1 a -> (a -> Colist1 b) -> Colist1 (a, b)
Explore the plane corresponding to all possible pairings
using Cantor's zig zag traversal
Totality: total
Visibility: public export