Idris2Doc : Data.Rel



Rel : VectnType->Type
  Build an n-ary relation type from a Vect of Types

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
All : (ts : VectnType) ->Relts->Type
  Universal quantification of a n-ary Relation over its
arguments to build a (function) type from a `Rel` type

λ> All [Nat,Nat] LTE
(x : Nat) -> (x : Nat) -> LTE x x

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Ex : (ts : VectnType) ->Relts->Type
  Existential quantification of a n-ary relation over its
arguments to build a dependent pair (eg. Sigma type).

Given a (type of) relation `p : [t_1, t_2 ... t_n] x r` where `t_i` and `r` are
types, `Ex` builds the type `Σ (x_1 : t_1). Σ (x_2 : t_2) ... . r`
For example:
λ> Ex [Nat,Nat] LTE
(x : Nat ** (x : Nat ** LTE x x))
Which is the type of a pair of natural numbers along with a proof that the first
is smaller or equal than the second.

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
liftRel : (ts : VectnType) ->Relts-> (Type->Type) ->Type
  Map a type-level function over the co-domain of a n-ary Relation

Totality: total
Visibility: public export