fromFoldMap : (0 f : (Type -> Type)) -> (Monoid b => (a -> b) -> f a -> b) -> Foldable f
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export data Error : Type
Possible errors for the functor-deriving machinery.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
NotFreeOf : Name -> TTImp -> Error
NotAnApplication : TTImp -> Error
NotAFoldable : TTImp -> Error
NotABifoldable : TTImp -> Error
NotFoldableInItsLastArg : TTImp -> Error
UnsupportedType : TTImp -> Error
NotAFiniteStructure : Error
NotAnUnconstrainedValue : Count -> Error
InvalidGoal : Error
ConfusingReturnType : Error
WhenCheckingConstructor : Name -> Error -> Error
WhenCheckingArg : TTImp -> Error -> Error
Hint: Show Error
data IsFoldableIn : Name -> Name -> TTImp -> Type
IsFoldableIn is parametrised by
@ t the name of the data type whose constructors are being analysed
@ x the name of the type variable that the foldable action will act on
@ ty the type being analysed
The inductive type delivers a proof that x can be folded over in ty,
assuming that t also is foldable.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
FIVar : IsFoldableIn t x (IVar fc x)
The type variable x occurs alone
FIRec : (0 _ : IsAppView ({_:4781}, t) {_:4782} f) -> IsFoldableIn t x arg -> IsFoldableIn t x (IApp fc f arg)
There is a recursive subtree of type (t a1 ... an u) and u is Foldable in x.
We do not insist that u is exactly x so that we can deal with nested types
like the following:
data Full a = Leaf a | Node (Full (a, a))
data Term a = Var a | App (Term a) (Term a) | Lam (Term (Maybe a))
FIDelayed : IsFoldableIn t x ty -> IsFoldableIn t x (IDelayed fc LLazy ty)
The subterm is delayed (Lazy only, we can't fold over infinite structures)
FIBifold : IsFreeOf x sp -> HasImplementation Bifoldable sp -> IsFoldableIn t x arg1 -> Either (IsFoldableIn t x arg2) (IsFreeOf x arg2) -> IsFoldableIn t x (IApp fc1 (IApp fc2 sp arg1) arg2)
There are nested subtrees somewhere inside a 3rd party type constructor
which satisfies the Bifoldable interface
FIFold : IsFreeOf x sp -> HasImplementation Foldable sp -> IsFoldableIn t x arg -> IsFoldableIn t x (IApp fc sp arg)
There are nested subtrees somewhere inside a 3rd party type constructor
which satisfies the Foldable interface
FIFree : IsFreeOf x a -> IsFoldableIn t x a
A type free of x is trivially Foldable in it
TypeView : Elaboration m => MonadError Error m => MonadState Parameters m => Name -> List (Name, Nat) -> Name -> TTImp -> Type
When analysing the type of a constructor for the type family t,
we hope to observe
1. either that it is foldable in x
2. or that it is free of x
If it is not the case, we will use the `MonadError Error` constraint
to fail with an informative message.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportfromTypeView : {auto elab : Elaboration m} -> {auto error : MonadError Error m} -> {auto cs : MonadState Parameters m} -> (t : Name) -> (ps : List (Name, Nat)) -> (x : Name) -> TypeView ty -> IsFoldableIn t x ty
- Totality: total
Visibility: export typeView : {auto elab : Elaboration m} -> {auto error : MonadError Error m} -> {auto cs : MonadState Parameters m} -> (t : Name) -> (ps : List (Name, Nat)) -> (x : Name) -> (ty : TTImp) -> m (TypeView ty)
Hoping to observe that ty is foldable
Totality: total
Visibility: exportderive : {default Private _ : Visibility} -> {default Total _ : TotalReq} -> {default [] _ : List Name} -> Elab (Foldable f)
Derive an implementation of Foldable for a type constructor.
This can be used like so:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
treeFoldable : Foldable Tree
treeFoldable = %runElab derive
Totality: total
Visibility: export