interface SemigroupV : Type -> Type
- Parameters: ty
Constraints: Semigroup ty
semigroupOpIsAssociative : (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <+> (c <+> r) = (l <+> c) <+> r
SemigroupV ty => SemigroupV (Identity ty)
SemigroupV ty => SemigroupV (Identity ty)
semigroupOpIsAssociative : {auto __con : SemigroupV ty} -> (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <+> (c <+> r) = (l <+> c) <+> r
- Visibility: public export
interface MonoidV : Type -> Type
- Parameters: ty
Constraints: Monoid ty, SemigroupV ty
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL : (l : ty) -> l <+> neutral = l
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR : (r : ty) -> neutral <+> r = r
MonoidV ty => MonoidV (Identity ty)
MonoidV ty => MonoidV (Identity ty)
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL : {auto __con : MonoidV ty} -> (l : ty) -> l <+> neutral = l
- Visibility: public export
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR : {auto __con : MonoidV ty} -> (r : ty) -> neutral <+> r = r
- Visibility: public export
interface Group : Type -> Type
Sets equipped with a single binary operation that is associative,
along with a neutral element for that binary operation and
inverses for all elements. Satisfies the following laws:
+ Associativity of `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <+> (b <+> c) == (a <+> b) <+> c
+ Neutral for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> neutral == a
forall a, neutral <+> a == a
+ Inverse for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> inverse a == neutral
forall a, inverse a <+> a == neutral
Parameters: ty
Constraints: MonoidV ty
inverse : ty -> ty
groupInverseIsInverseR : (r : ty) -> inverse r <+> r = neutral
AbelianGroup ty -> Group ty
GroupHomomorphism a b -> Group a
GroupHomomorphism a b -> Group b
Ring ty -> Group ty
inverse : Group ty => ty -> ty
- Visibility: public export
groupInverseIsInverseR : {auto __con : Group ty} -> (r : ty) -> inverse r <+> r = neutral
- Visibility: public export
interface AbelianGroup : Type -> Type
Sets equipped with a single binary operation that is associative
and commutative, along with a neutral element for that binary
operation and inverses for all elements. Satisfies the following
+ Associativity of `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <+> (b <+> c) == (a <+> b) <+> c
+ Commutativity of `<+>`:
forall a b, a <+> b == b <+> a
+ Neutral for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> neutral == a
forall a, neutral <+> a == a
+ Inverse for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> inverse a == neutral
forall a, inverse a <+> a == neutral
Parameters: ty
Constraints: Group ty
groupOpIsCommutative : (l : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <+> r = r <+> l
groupOpIsCommutative : {auto __con : AbelianGroup ty} -> (l : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <+> r = r <+> l
- Visibility: public export
interface GroupHomomorphism : Type -> Type -> Type
A homomorphism is a mapping that preserves group structure.
Parameters: a, b
Constraints: Group a, Group b
to : a -> b
toGroup : (x : a) -> (y : a) -> to (x <+> y) = to x <+> to y
to : GroupHomomorphism a b => a -> b
- Visibility: public export
toGroup : {auto __con : GroupHomomorphism a b} -> (x : a) -> (y : a) -> to (x <+> y) = to x <+> to y
- Visibility: public export
interface Ring : Type -> Type
Sets equipped with two binary operations, one associative and
commutative supplied with a neutral element, and the other
associative, with distributivity laws relating the two operations.
Satisfies the following laws:
+ Associativity of `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <+> (b <+> c) == (a <+> b) <+> c
+ Commutativity of `<+>`:
forall a b, a <+> b == b <+> a
+ Neutral for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> neutral == a
forall a, neutral <+> a == a
+ Inverse for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> inverse a == neutral
forall a, inverse a <+> a == neutral
+ Associativity of `<.>`:
forall a b c, a <.> (b <.> c) == (a <.> b) <.> c
+ Distributivity of `<.>` and `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <.> (b <+> c) == (a <.> b) <+> (a <.> c)
forall a b c, (a <+> b) <.> c == (a <.> c) <+> (b <.> c)
Parameters: ty
Constraints: Group ty
(<.>) : ty -> ty -> ty
- Fixity Declaration: infixl operator, level 7
ringOpIsAssociative : (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <.> (c <.> r) = (l <.> c) <.> r
ringOpIsDistributiveL : (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <.> (c <+> r) = (l <.> c) <+> (l <.> r)
ringOpIsDistributiveR : (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> (l <+> c) <.> r = (l <.> r) <+> (c <.> r)
Implementation: RingWithUnity ty -> Ring ty
(<.>) : Ring ty => ty -> ty -> ty
- Visibility: public export
Fixity Declaration: infixl operator, level 7 ringOpIsAssociative : {auto __con : Ring ty} -> (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <.> (c <.> r) = (l <.> c) <.> r
- Visibility: public export
ringOpIsDistributiveL : {auto __con : Ring ty} -> (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> l <.> (c <+> r) = (l <.> c) <+> (l <.> r)
- Visibility: public export
ringOpIsDistributiveR : {auto __con : Ring ty} -> (l : ty) -> (c : ty) -> (r : ty) -> (l <+> c) <.> r = (l <.> r) <+> (c <.> r)
- Visibility: public export
interface RingWithUnity : Type -> Type
Sets equipped with two binary operations, one associative and
commutative supplied with a neutral element, and the other
associative supplied with a neutral element, with distributivity
laws relating the two operations. Satisfies the following laws:
+ Associativity of `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <+> (b <+> c) == (a <+> b) <+> c
+ Commutativity of `<+>`:
forall a b, a <+> b == b <+> a
+ Neutral for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> neutral == a
forall a, neutral <+> a == a
+ Inverse for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> inverse a == neutral
forall a, inverse a <+> a == neutral
+ Associativity of `<.>`:
forall a b c, a <.> (b <.> c) == (a <.> b) <.> c
+ Neutral for `<.>`:
forall a, a <.> unity == a
forall a, unity <.> a == a
+ Distributivity of `<.>` and `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <.> (b <+> c) == (a <.> b) <+> (a <.> c)
forall a b c, (a <+> b) <.> c == (a <.> c) <+> (b <.> c)
Parameters: ty
Constraints: Ring ty
unity : ty
unityIsRingIdL : (l : ty) -> l <.> unity = l
unityIsRingIdR : (r : ty) -> unity <.> r = r
Implementation: Field ty -> RingWithUnity ty
unity : RingWithUnity ty => ty
- Visibility: public export
unityIsRingIdL : {auto __con : RingWithUnity ty} -> (l : ty) -> l <.> unity = l
- Visibility: public export
unityIsRingIdR : {auto __con : RingWithUnity ty} -> (r : ty) -> unity <.> r = r
- Visibility: public export
interface Field : Type -> Type
Sets equipped with two binary operations – both associative,
commutative and possessing a neutral element – and distributivity
laws relating the two operations. All elements except the additive
identity should have a multiplicative inverse. Should (but may
not) satisfy the following laws:
+ Associativity of `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <+> (b <+> c) == (a <+> b) <+> c
+ Commutativity of `<+>`:
forall a b, a <+> b == b <+> a
+ Neutral for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> neutral == a
forall a, neutral <+> a == a
+ Inverse for `<+>`:
forall a, a <+> inverse a == neutral
forall a, inverse a <+> a == neutral
+ Associativity of `<.>`:
forall a b c, a <.> (b <.> c) == (a <.> b) <.> c
+ Unity for `<.>`:
forall a, a <.> unity == a
forall a, unity <.> a == a
+ InverseM of `<.>`, except for neutral
forall a /= neutral, a <.> inverseM a == unity
forall a /= neutral, inverseM a <.> a == unity
+ Distributivity of `<.>` and `<+>`:
forall a b c, a <.> (b <+> c) == (a <.> b) <+> (a <.> c)
forall a b c, (a <+> b) <.> c == (a <.> c) <+> (b <.> c)
Parameters: ty
Constraints: RingWithUnity ty
inverseM : (x : ty) -> Not (x = neutral) -> ty
inverseM : {auto __con : Field ty} -> (x : ty) -> Not (x = neutral) -> ty
- Visibility: public export