Idris2Doc : Data.Nat.Factor



dataFactor : Nat->Nat->Type
  Factor n p is a witness that p is indeed a factor of n,
i.e. there exists a q such that p * q = n.

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
CofactorExists : (q : Nat) ->n=p*q->Factorpn

Uninhabited (Factor0 (Sn))
dataNotFactor : Nat->Nat->Type
  NotFactor n p is a witness that p is NOT a factor of n,
i.e. there exist a q and an r, greater than 0 but smaller than p,
such that p * q + r = n.

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
ZeroNotFactorS : (n : Nat) ->NotFactor0 (Sn)
ProperRemExists : (q : Nat) -> (r : Fin (predp)) ->n= (p*q) +S (finToNatr) ->NotFactorpn
dataDecFactor : Nat->Nat->Type
  DecFactor n p is a result of the process which decides
whether or not p is a factor on n.

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
ItIsFactor : Factorpn->DecFactorpn
ItIsNotFactor : NotFactorpn->DecFactorpn
dataCommonFactor : Nat->Nat->Nat->Type
  CommonFactor n m p is a witness that p is a factor of both n and m.

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
CommonFactorExists : (p : Nat) ->Factorpa->Factorpb->CommonFactorpab

SymmetricNat (CommonFactorp)
dataGCD : Nat->Nat->Nat->Type
  GCD n m p is a witness that p is THE greatest common factor of both n and m.
The second argument to the constructor is a function which for all q being
a factor of both n and m, proves that q is a factor of p.

This is equivalent to a more straightforward definition, stating that for
all q being a factor of both n and m, q is less than or equal to p, but more
powerful and therefore more useful for further proofs. See below for a proof
that if q is a factor of p then q must be less than or equal to p.

Totality: total
Visibility: public export
MkGCD : NotBothZeroab=> Lazy (CommonFactorpab) -> ((q : Nat) ->CommonFactorqab->Factorqp) ->GCDpab

SymmetricNat (GCDp)
cofactor : Factorpn-> (q : Nat**Factorqn)
  Given a statement that p is factor of n, return its cofactor.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
oneIsFactor : (n : Nat) ->Factor1n
  1 is a factor of any natural number.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
oneSoleFactorOfOne : (a : Nat) ->Factora1->a=1
  1 is the only factor of itself

Totality: total
Visibility: export
factorNotFactorAbsurd : Factorpn->Not (NotFactorpn)
  No number can simultaneously be and not be a factor of another number.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
anythingFactorZero : (a : Nat) ->Factora0
  Anything is a factor of 0.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
multFactor : (p : Nat) -> (q : Nat) ->Factorp (p*q)
  For all natural numbers p and q, p is a factor of (p * q).

Totality: total
Visibility: export
factorLteNumber : Factorpn->LTE1n=>LTEpn
  If n > 0 then any factor of n must be less than or equal to n.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
plusDivisorAlsoFactor : Factorpn->Factorp (n+p)
  If p is a factor of n, then it is also a factor of (n + p).

Totality: total
Visibility: export
plusDivisorNeitherFactor : NotFactorpn->NotFactorp (n+p)
  If p is NOT a factor of n, then it also is NOT a factor of (n + p).

Totality: total
Visibility: export
multNAlsoFactor : Factorpn-> (a : Nat) ->LTE1a=>Factorp (n*a)
  If p is a factor of n, then it is also a factor of any multiply of n.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
plusFactor : Factorpn->Factorpm->Factorp (n+m)
  If p is a factor of both n and m, then it is also a factor of their sum.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
minusFactor : Factorp (a+b) ->Factorpa->Factorpb
  If p is a factor of a sum (n + m) and a factor of n, then it is also
a factor of m. This could be expressed more naturally with minus, but
it would be more difficult to prove, since minus lacks certain properties
that one would expect from decent subtraction.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
modFactorAlsoFactorOfDivider : {auto0nNotZ : NonZeron} ->Factorpn->Factorp (modNatNZmnnNotZ) ->Factorpm
  If p is a common factor of n and mod m n, then it is also a factor of m.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
commonFactorAlsoFactorOfMod : {auto0nNotZ : NonZeron} ->Factorpm->Factorpn->Factorp (modNatNZmnnNotZ)
  If p is a common factor of m and n, then it is also a factor of their mod.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
decFactor : (n : Nat) -> (d : Nat) ->DecFactordn
  A decision procedure for whether of not p is a factor of n.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
factNotSuccFact : GTp1->Factorpn->NotFactorp (Sn)
  For all p greater than 1, if p is a factor of n, then it is NOT a factor
of (n + 1).

Totality: total
Visibility: export
commonFactorAlsoFactorOfGCD : Factorpa->Factorpb->GCDqab->Factorpq
  If p is a common factor of a and b, then it is also a factor of their GCD.
This actually follows directly from the definition of GCD.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
oneCommonFactor : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) ->CommonFactor1ab
  1 is a common factor of any pair of natural numbers.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
selfIsCommonFactor : (a : Nat) ->LTE1a=>CommonFactoraaa
  Any natural number is a common factor of itself and itself.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
gcd : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) ->NotBothZeroab=> (f : Nat**GCDfab)
  An implementation of Euclidean Algorithm for computing greatest common
divisors. It is proven correct and total; returns a proof that computed
number actually IS the GCD.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
gcdUnique : GCDpab->GCDqab->p=q
  For every two natural numbers there is a unique greatest common divisor.

Totality: total
Visibility: export
divByGcdGcdOne : GCDa (a*b) (a*c) ->GCD1bc
  For every two natural numbers, if we divide both of them by their GCD,
the GCD of resulting numbers will always be 1.

Totality: total
Visibility: export