Idris2Doc : Data.Vect.Properties.Index


Properties of Data.Vect.index


recallElem : Elemxxs->a
  Recall an element by its position, as we may not have the element
at runtime

Visibility: public export
recallElemSpec : (pos : Elemxxs) ->recallElempos=x
  Recalling by a position of `x` does yield `x`

Visibility: export
indexNaturality : (i : Finn) -> (f : (a->b)) -> (xs : Vectna) ->indexi (mapfxs) =f (indexixs)
  `index i : Vect n a -> a` is a natural transformation

Visibility: export
indexReplicate : (i : Finn) -> (x : a) ->indexi (replicatenx) =x
  Replication tabulates the constant function

Visibility: export
indexRange : (i : Finn) ->indexirange=i
  `range` tabulates the identity function (by definition)

Visibility: export
indexTranspose : (xss : Vectm (Vectna)) -> (i : Finn) ->indexi (transposexss) =map (indexi) xss
  The `i`-th vector in a transposed matrix is the vector of `i`-th components

Visibility: export