Idris2Doc : Network.Socket


Low-Level C Sockets bindings for Idris. Used by higher-level, cleverer things.

Original (C) SimonJF, MIT Licensed, 2014
Modified (C) The Idris Community, 2015, 2016, 2019


importpublic Network.Socket.Data


socket : HasIOio=>SocketFamily->SocketType->ProtocolNumber->io (EitherSocketErrorSocket)
  Creates a UNIX socket with the given family, socket type and protocol
number. Returns either a socket or an error.

Visibility: export
close : HasIOio=>Socket->io ()
  Close a socket

Visibility: export
bind : HasIOio=>Socket->MaybeSocketAddress->Port->ioInt
  Binds a socket to the given socket address and port.
Returns 0 on success, an error code otherwise.

Visibility: export
connect : HasIOio=>Socket->SocketAddress->Port->ioResultCode
  Connects to a given address and port.
Returns 0 on success, and an error number on error.

Visibility: export
listen : HasIOio=>Socket->ioInt
  Listens on a bound socket.

@sock The socket to listen on.

Visibility: export
accept : HasIOio=>Socket->io (EitherSocketError (Socket, SocketAddress))
  Accept a connection on the provided socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`
Returns on success a pairing of:
+ `Socket` :: The socket representing the connection.
+ `SocketAddress` :: The

@sock The socket used to establish connection.

Visibility: export
send : HasIOio=>Socket->String->io (EitherSocketErrorResultCode)
  Send data on the specified socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`.
Returns on success the `ResultCode`.

@sock The socket on which to send the message.
@msg The data to send.

Visibility: export
recv : HasIOio=>Socket->ByteLength->io (EitherSocketError (String, ResultCode))
  Receive data on the specified socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`
Returns on success a pairing of:
+ `String` :: The payload.
+ `ResultCode` :: The result of the underlying function.

@sock The socket on which to receive the message.
@len How much of the data to receive.

Visibility: export
recvAll : HasIOio=>Socket->io (EitherSocketErrorString)
  Receive all the remaining data on the specified socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`
Returns on success the payload `String`

@sock The socket on which to receive the message.

Visibility: export
sendTo : HasIOio=>Socket->SocketAddress->Port->String->io (EitherSocketErrorByteLength)
  Send a message.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`
Returns on success the `ResultCode`

@sock The socket on which to send the message.
@addr Address of the recipient.
@port The port on which to send the message.
@msg The message to send.

Visibility: export
recvFrom : HasIOio=>Socket->ByteLength->io (EitherSocketError (UDPAddrInfo, (String, ResultCode)))
  Receive a message.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`.
Returns on success a triple of
+ `UDPAddrInfo` :: The address of the sender.
+ `String` :: The payload.
+ `Int` :: Result value from underlying function.

@sock The channel on which to receive.
@len Size of the expected message.

Visibility: export
sendBytes : HasIOm=>Socket->ListBits8->m (EitherSocketErrorInt)
  Send data on the specified socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`.
Returns on success the number of bytes sent.

@sock The socket on which to send the message.
@bytes The data to send.

Visibility: export
recvBytes : HasIOm=>Socket->ByteLength->m (EitherSocketError (ListBits8))
  Receive data on the specified socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`
Returns on success a pairing of:
+ `List Bits8` :: The payload.
+ `ResultCode` :: The result of the underlying function.

@sock The socket on which to receive the message.
@max_size How much of the data to receive at most.

Visibility: export
recvAllBytes : HasIOio=>Socket->io (EitherSocketError (ListBits8))
  Receive all the remaining data on the specified socket.

Returns on failure a `SocketError`
Returns on success the payload `List Bits8`

@sock The socket on which to receive the message.

Visibility: export